The BAPEP Int’l Network is a Charity but the activities of the Network cost money. Membership fees give good value to the member and income to run the Network. In particular, maintaining the website, maintaining the publication database and having an efficient administration all need to be supported by income. The Network believes that the benefits of joining are good value and that it offers an important resource to Ministers of God.
Please note that none of the BAPEP officers in the Board of Regents (BOR), Board of Management (BOM), Board of Commissioners (BOC) are paid. Everyone gives their time and financial commitment to Network activities because they believe it is a worthwhile service to support and expand the Gospel of Christ by all means using all available medium.
Every member of the BAPEP must fulfil the following requirements:
- Leader or co-minister of a divinely-established ministry.
- Must possess an established call into ministry.
- Must be involved in the work of the ministry on part-time or full-time basis.
Each membership will involve the following financial commitments:
- Application form fee
- Examination fee
- Induction fee
Having fulfilled the above stated requirements, enlistment application forms of $10 can be obtained from www.bapep.org/application-form
BAPEP Network shall have the following membership status:
An honourary member is normally an individual who wishes to join the Network. Such Minister must have genuine call of God with active participation in local assembly or ministry as the lead minister or co-minister in the vineyard of God.
A member is normally an individual who is or has been actively engaged in the Ministry and who has theological, professional and/or academic qualifications in addition to genuinely established call into ministry that allow them to practice and be worthy of being called Ministers of God with at least 5 years of active Ministry in God’s vineyard. Induction fee = $35
Associate Member
A member is normally an individual who is or has been actively engaged in the Ministry and who has theological, professional and/or academic qualifications in addition to genuinely established call into ministry that allow them to practice and be worthy of being called Ministers of God with at least10 years of active Ministry in God’s vineyard. Induction fee = $50
A Fellow is an individual recognized by the Network to have made a truly significant contribution to the Network and the Gospel of Christ in general. A Fellow must be nominated by Associate members. The process of becoming a Fellow is managed by the Fellowship Committee. Such Minister of God must have been actively involved in ministry for at least 15 years. Induction fee = $100
Honorary Fellow
An Honorary Fellow is an individual recognized by the Network to have rendered outstanding services to the aims of the Network or to the Gospel of Christ in general, due regard being paid to the fact that this is the highest honour the Network can bestow. An Honorary Fellow is chosen by the Advisory Board and Board of Management. Such Minister of God must have been actively involved in ministry for at least 20 years. Induction fee = $200
General Policy
- In pursuing its objectives the Network shall observe the basic policy of non-discrimination.
- Membership will be without regard to denomination, race, political philosophy, ethnic origin, citizenship, language or gender.
- Procedures to become an Associate Member, a Member, a Fellow or an Honorary Fellow will be defined and announced by the Board of Management.
- Associate Membership, for new members joining from 2022, is restricted to 5 years.
- An individual who has fully paid the designated membership subscription for a year is considered a member during that year.
- The membership year runs from 1st September – 30th August annually, but it is possible to join the Network at any time of year
- Please remember that membership is personal and not transferable to other Ministers of God
Refund Policy
Your membership application/renewal of membership will normally take two working days to process. If for any reason you wish to cancel your application then you must do so within 7 days of the payment transaction by emailing membership@bapep.org. A full refund will be made to your account. If for any reason your application is declined then a full refund will be made to your account within 7 working days of the decision.
Terms and Conditions
By applying for membership you agree that the BAPEP Int’l Network verifies the data contained in your application; may use your personal data for the purposes of running and administering the Network; maintaining and updating the Network’s membership list; and contacting you in relation to the Network’s activities. The BAPEP Int’l Network does not make Members’ data including email addresses available for external commercial or any other purposes.
Cancelling your membership
You may cancel your membership at any time during the year by contacting the membership administration (membership@bapep.org). Your membership will lapse at the end of the payment period. Refunds for part of the year are not given.
Complaints Procedure
If you have a complaint about any aspect of the Network’s activities please write to president@bapep.org. The Network will respond within 7 working days.
All members must adhere to the code of ministerial conduct.
The following Teams shall be constituted:
- Financial Advocate Team (FAT): This team shall be responsible for implementation of financial transparency and accountability among member’s ministries. It shall serve as external auditing arm of this great Network. BAPEP shall take the matter of financial transactions very serious as it has been noted as one of the challenges the 21st century ministry is facing. Each member church shall be encouraged to open corporate account with renowned bank and be tutored in matters relating to financial records. This committee shall be headed by accountant or an erudite financial expert.
- Conflict Resolutions Advocate Team (CRAT): This team shall be responsible for peace advocate among members. It shall serve as a mediator between members’ ministries, conflict among members and members with external ministries. This team shall be headed by a lawyer or conflict resolution experts with track record of being an advocate or conflict resolution manager.
- Family Resolutions Advocate Team (FRAT): This team shall be responsible for resolving matters related to family issues. Ministers of God face a lot marital challenges. Home of ministers of God deserves to be peaceful and enjoyable. This shall be the main focal points of this Team. This team shall be headed by experienced minister of God who has genuine call into the ministry of family resolutions with track record.
- Corporate Advocate Team (CAT): Every ministry is a corporate legal entity. Members shall be advised and assisted in making sure that their ministries are duly registered with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). Registration, affiliation, accreditation, networking and partnership with private organizations and other regulated government bodies at local and international levels shall also be facilitated as fast as possible and at the lowest cost by this team. This team shall be headed by Minister who is vast in matters relating to inter-organization relations.
- Digital Advocate Team (DAT): This team shall be responsible for training and tutoring members in online business opportunities. Every ministry ought to have heavy presence online. More so, every Minister of God ought to develop reliable sources of income online through business or ministering. This and others shall be the main task of this team which shall be headed by an IT/Digital Skill expert.
The following Boards shall be constituted:
- Board of Regents (BOR)
- Board of Management (BOM)
- Board of Commissioners (BOC)
Board of Regents (BoR) shall be the highest organ which gives final approval. Board of Management (BOM) shall be responsible for policy formation. Board of Commissioners (BOC) shall see to the day-to-day running of the BAPEP
All members shall go through prescribed examinations organized by BAPEP Ministerial and Leadership University – Seminary arm of BAPEP Int’l Network.